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Beacons to host its first 2022 "Open House" on May 13, 2022, 12 - 2 pm.

Carlsbad-based Beacons, Inc. will host its first Open House for 2022 on Friday, May 13, 2022 from 12 - 2 pm to share information about its programming options and to showcase the accomplishments of its spring 2022 PathFinder trainees. PathFinder trainees have completed four months of vocational training in creative design (1 & 2) and customer service (1 & 2), where they learn a wide variety of skills including soft skills for the workplace, website design to create employment profiles, how to self-advocate, hard skills and other skills needed for employment success.

Trainees in Beacons' newest training option, Explorer, will host a coffee cart with snacks and drinks to showcase the skills they have learned since Explorer launched on April 1, 2022. Similar to PathFinder, Explorer also offers vocational training, but provides training over a longer period of time to support those whose career readiness skills are still emerging.

Beacons began offering vocational training using low instructional ratios and customized curriculum in 2019 due to the limited post secondary options available in north county for adults. Despite the pandemic, Beacons has had to expand twice in the last three years to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. In just a short time, Beacons has been recognized by local officials for their work, has twice been selected as a finalist for Nonprofit of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce, and has worked with the San Diego Regional Center so that trainees can participate in the training through state funding at no cost to them.

The goal of the Beacons team is to find or develop employment opportunities based on the trainees' individual skills and interests. Most trainees in PathFinder's spring workshops have already begun employment with a variety of employers including nearby Bitchin' Sauce, which created a 3-hour shift in its food production division to hire five trainees.

Trainee Joseph Kellett, who loves graphic design, started working with County Supervisor Jim Desmond's office and created the program cover for Supervisor Desmond's "State of North County" event held earlier this year. He also created the flyer for Beacons' upcoming Open House (see below) as one of his creative design workshop projects. Last fall, 100% of PathFinder trainees interested in working found employment within one month of completing the vocational workshops. As noted in the December 2021 Certificate of Commendation Supervisor Desmond presented to Beacons, Beacons is "making dreams a reality."

Join families and the community to learn more about Beacons and its amazing trainees, staff and volunteers! Information will be available on Beacons summer workshops, self-determination, Club Beacons and other exciting developments.

For more information, please contact: Tyler Hershey, Director of Pathfinder

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Flyer for Beacons Open House on Mary 13, from 12 - 2 pm.
Beacons Open House flyer created by artist Joseph Kellett (shown second from the right)


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Serving San Diego County

Telephone: 760-448-6230

2245 Camino Vida Roble, Suite100 

Carlsbad, CA 92011

Registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit:

EIN #82-5388073

© 2018-2024 by Beacons, IncAll rights reserved

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