Beacons, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public benefit nonprofit
empowering adults with diverse intellectual abilities!
Exciting news!
Beacons has partnered with Kore Performance!
PathFinder will now offer a "Writing, Film, Action!" workshop!
Dates Coming up:
2/22/25 Club "Oscars Night" (5:30 - 8:30 pm)
3/1/25 - Free Art Session for artists entering the 3/14 art fair! 1 - 3 pm
3/14/25: Art Fair (5 - 7 pm) - Open to all SDRC consumers. Entry form
Beacons CCP Option
In 2025, Beacons, Inc. will begin offering 1:1 person-centered Coordinated Career Pathways (CCP) to support students 2 years before they exit a school district, and 2 years after the student exits the district.
This exciting new option will provide a variety of services through Beacons Career Pathway Navigators (CPNs) that may include, but are not limited to:
Career Exploration,
Accommodation Planning,
Person-Centered Career Planning,
Enhanced community awareness, engagement and integration,
Post-secondary vocational training,
Internships and/or work experiences (e.g. volunteering, temporary work, part-time paid work)
Supported employment (job prep, search, placement and coaching),
Customized employment,
Tech assistance,
Self-employment or micro business launch,
Benefits education and analysis (e.g. SSI, food assistance, housing),
Transportation exploration and planning, and
Financial empowerment and savings!
Tailored assessments and surveys will include a trainee entry survey, survey of members of the trainee's key Circle of Support members, workplace site visits, personality assessments and skill assessments!
For trainees in need of customized employment, Beacons will offer services through a Customized Employment Specialist (CES) to help:
a. Create a personal profile through discovery,
b. Create a Job Search Plan,
c. Development of a Customized Job,
d. Placement Support, and
e. Post-employment support and transition planning.