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Fall 2024 Application 

Orientation & Tour: 8/16/24

Workshops: 8/19 - 12/13/24



Creative Design 1

Office Skills 1


Customer Service 1

Entrepreneurship 1

Morning Schedule

Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 
Friday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Plus Lunch Bunch Fridays from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM)

Afternoon Schedule

Monday through Thursday: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 
Friday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Plus Lunch Bunch Fridays from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM)

Important dates for Fall 2024:
Aug. 16 - Orientation for trainees and families.

Aug. 19 - Workshops begin

Sept. 2 - Labor Day

Nov. 11 - Veterans Day

Nov. 25 - 27 Additional Support and Tutoring

Nov. 28 - 29 Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec 13 - Last day of Fall 2024 workshops

SDRC vendor number: PY1700, Code: 102, Subcodes: Fall
(Total hours: 240 - Approx. 16 - 17 weeks)

Please note that attendance is part of the entrance criteria and individuals absent for more than 5 days may be exited from the workshop.

Workshop overview: All workshops are specifically designed with tools, best practices and pacing designed for individuals with developmental disabilities to optimize independent learning without the need for parental or instructional aid support at home or during our onsite workshops. Each workshop includes:


  • Internet Safety Training

  • Pre and Post Assessments each unit to measure progress

  • Extra Hours for additional instruction to meet 80% efficiency on Assessments

  • Materials and/or licenses needed for the workshop

  • Soft Skills Training

  • Creation of Person-Centered plans for post-workshop transitioning

  • Employment placement support, and more!


Post-Workshop Goal Pathway(s)Post-workshop pathways will be driven by each participant's person-centered plan and may include further education, paid internships, job coaching, competitive integrated employment, and/or employment-related volunteer opportunities. Ideally, the trainee will develop sufficient skills to make the trainee eligible for employment post-workshop.

Ratios & Enrollment: Workshops require a minimum of 5 trainees to proceed. In the event the minimum enrollment for a workshop is not met, Beacons reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a workshop, or offer a different workshop altogether.


Devices: If onsite, Trainees will be provided with a 15.6" yoga touchscreen Chromebook with a mouse accessory, but are welcome to bring their own device if they prefer. If a workshop is provided via zoom, Beacons has loaner devices for trainees who do not have devices available to use at home.

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PathFinder Forms & Steps

Persons who have classroom skills, an interest in employment, and who can

participate without disrupting the learning of others are encouraged to apply.

(SDRC vendor number: PY1700, Code: 102, Subcode: FALL)




1. Complete Application Form. This form outlines the entrance criteria for the workshops and should be reviewed to make sure the applicant meets criteria before completing the form.

2. Contact the SDRC 

Notify the SDRC: Please let your SDRC service coordinator know that the applicant would like to enroll in a Beacons workshop. 

Vocational IPP Goal: Please make sure the IPP (Individual Program Plan) has a vocational goal. If there isn't one, please ask the SDRC service coordinator to add one to the IPP, and that a "POS" (Purchase of Service) be completed and submitted to fund the workshop. 


SDRC Documentation: Please request that your IPP and "CDER" (Client Development Evaluation Report) be sent to:

For Self Determination Applicants: Individuals in the Self-Determination program will need to discuss inclusion of this workshop with the applicant's independent facilitator and SDRC service coordinator as the team will need to make sure sufficient funding is in place to cover the costs of the workshop. Spring and Fall workshops require coverage of at least 240 hours.

3. Screening/Intake Meeting: 
After the applicant's IPP and CDER have been received, our Pathfinder team will contact the applicant and a member of the applicant's support team to set up an intake meeting to make sure the workshop supports the applicant's IPP goals, the applicant meets the entrance criteria set forth in the application, and the applicant is interested in the employment goal of the workshop.

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Fom & Details

Workshop Descriptions

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Customer Service

Creative Design

Creative Design Skills (Level 1)
Recommended for: Trainees interested in learning graphic design skills to create products, marketing materials and/or skills for community and/or self-employment using graphic design skills.

Workshop highlights: Trainees interested in creative design will enjoy this project-driven workshop to learn how to:

  • use a graphic design programs and tools

  • make digital art, graphics, animation and .gifs,

  • make marketing materials and social media graphics,

  • design and make books, puzzles, and wall art, to explore possible product lines that use graphic design,

  • create their own website to showcase a portfolio and/or employment profile, and

  • develop person-centered and person-directed plans to present to help shape their futures post-workshop. 


Each unit includes pre- and post-unit assessments to measure progress, with extra hours for instructional support if needed to reach proficient levels in a targeted area. Workshop includes creation of a portfolio with designs and animation graphics, client meetings to develop soft skills, and meeting with community employers. Material costs are included in the workshop.

Creative Design Skills (Level 2)
Recommended for: Trainees with basic graphic design skills interested in more individualized skills development to help with designing for self-employment, specific projects, and/or product lines, and/or using their skills for community employment.

Workshop highlights: Trainees interest in creative design 2 will obtain help to support their individual creative pursuits and may include items such as:

  • development of curriculum to teach,

  • product development and placement in community stores or selling through community events (e.g. textile products, wall art, playing cards, puzzles, gift baskets, etc.),

  • development of product lines to suit targeted audiences or themes, 

  • further development of skills to make digital art, graphics, animation and .gifs,

  • marketing materials and social media graphics,

  • creation of or further refinement of their own website to showcase a portfolio, sell products and/or market their skills through an employment profile, and

  • develop person-centered and person-directed plans to present to help shape their futures post-workshop. 


Each unit includes pre- and post-unit assessments to measure progress, with extra hours for instructional support if needed to reach proficient levels in a targeted area. Workshop includes creation of a portfolio with designs and animation graphics, client meetings to develop soft skills, and meeting with community employers. Material costs are included in the workshop.

Customer Service Skills

Customer Service Skills (Level 1)
Recommended for: Trainees interested in community employment categories that include, but are not limited to, retail, restaurant/food service, hospitality and recreation, animal care and more!

Workshop Highlights: Trainees interested in community employment will learn:

  • workplace and soft skills such as cashier skills, pre- and post-hiring soft skills, and other tasks used in settings that require a high level of customer interaction, engagement and satisfaction;

  • creation of "forever" tools to support job searches, applying for jobs, identify accommodations for the workplace, how to use and request of accommodation;

  • learning about person-centered planning to devise a post-workshop plan and running a person-driven meeting to self-advocate for steps to implement the plan;

  • development of an online employment profile through creation of a website; and

  • learning food handling skills have the opportunity to train and take the county test to try to earn a county food handling license.

Each unit includes pre- and post-unit assessments to measure progress, with extra hours for instructional support if needed to reach proficient levels in a targeted area. Workshop includes applying to local jobs during the workshop, support at interviews during the workshop, meeting with employers to learn about their interview process, job tasks and hiring opportunities.

Customer Service Skills (Level 2)
Recommended for: Trainees interested in further development of their onsite and community workplace training arranged through Beacons workforce partnerships. Goal is to development stronger foundations and employer relationships to help trainees transition to competitive integrated employment (CIE), a paid internship program (where trainees can get paid for volunteering), and/or volunteer opportunities upon conclusion of the workshop. (Helpful workshop for those who participated in Level 1, but who were not yet ready for employment).

Workshop Highlights: Trainees interested in community employment will learn:

  • further development of workplace soft skills,

  • development of routines to support getting and keeping employment,

  • updating of "forever" tools to support job searches, applying for jobs, identify accommodations for the workplace, how to use and request of accommodation;

  • person-centered planning to update post-workshop plans and running a person-driven meeting to self-advocate for steps to implement the plan;

  • SSI support and training,

  • updating of online employment profiles, and resumes; and

  • support for job searches, job development, interviewing and job placement.

Each unit includes pre- and post-unit assessments to measure progress, with extra hours for instructional support if needed to reach proficient levels in a targeted area. Workshop includes applying to local jobs during the workshop, support at interviews during the workshop, meeting with employers to learn about their interview process, job tasks and hiring opportunities.

Entrepreneurial Skills

Entrepreneurial Skills for Creative Microbusinesses (Level 1)

Recommended for: Trainees interested in learning about the skills and documentation needed to start their own business (or grow their existing business). Instruction includes assistive technology, creation of accommodations, and introduction to other tools to increase independence and sustainability of a business. This workshop focuses on group businesses and teamwork.

Workshop Highlights: Trainees will explore:

  • community sales skills such as cashier and customer interaction skills;

  • photography and graphic design to help with branding and marketing, logo creation, and packaging,

  • basic office skills for record-keeping and order /inventory management;

  • creation of "forever" tools to support sales, order management, and inventory tracking;

  • SSI planning and reporting;

  • person-centered planning to devise a post-workshop transition plan or to help with Self-Determination planning if needed;

  • website design and support to help link to payment processor/merchant card carrier;

  • what documents they will need to start a business (e.g. business license and/or sales permit),*

  • and more!

Each unit includes pre- and post-unit assessments to measure progress, with extra hours for instructional support if needed to reach proficient levels in a targeted area, such as the creation of a marketing email tool, meeting with retailers to discuss possible product placement (where applicable), selling in community markets, and/or the making of items to help with product displays or marketing.

*Note: Trainees will learn about the filings needed to secure a business license or sales permit in this workshop. Meetings will be held with each trainee's Circles of Trust to discuss SSI, taxes and other considerations to make sure the trainee's team is aware of tax, SSI and other implications before proceeding with business filings.

Entrepreneurial Skills for Creative Microbusinesses (Level 2)

Recommended for: Trainees with a current business plan who are looking to expand their business knowledge, refine their business plan, and launch an individual business for purposes of self-employment.

Workshop Highlights: Trainees will explore:

  • community markets to sell individualized products;

  • creation of business cards and promotional materials;

  • SSI planning and reporting;

  • creation of "forever" tools to support sales, order management, and inventory tracking;

  • person-centered planning to devise a post-workshop transition plan or to help with Self-Determination planning if needed;

  • website design and support to help link to payment processor/merchant card carrier;

  • what documents they will need to start a business (e.g. business license and/or sales permit);

  • and much more! 

Office Skills

Office Skills (Level 1)

Recommended for: Trainees with an interest working in a community business environment through either a paid internship, competitive integrated employment (CIE), or volunteerism.

Workshop Highlights: Trainees will explore:

  • workplace soft skills and interactions;

  • data entry;

  • mailroom and copy center skills;

  • coffee cart/station skills;

  • typing to work towards LEAP certification;

  • basic filing skills;

  • basic computer skills using Google and/or Microsoft tools to create documents, enter data, and work with spreadsheets;

  • workplace advocacy;

  • SSI planning and reporting;

  • accommodation planning;

  • exploration of useful assistive technology to increase workplace success and employment options;

  • skills to find, apply and get a job;

  • and much more! 

Office Skills

Instructor Information

Questions? Email:




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Tyler will bring her past management and case management skills to Beacons' vocational PathFinder division. Tyler served as Director of Housing for close to a decade working as a resolution mediator and is a nationally recognized program developer. She has also worked with individuals with and without disabilities to negotiate social security benefits, navigate relationships with housing authorities, and develop wrap around services. Tyler will help grow and support PathFinder using her past skills as a teacher for CASA, policy analyst for Family Caregiver Alliance, program supervisor for the San Francisco Traumatic Brain Injury Network, and as a branch manager for Disability Services (Napa Valley) in addition to other public service oriented positions. She also has experience working with PACE clients (dementia/memory loss)

Tyler is also an accomplished author (see. e.g. "Counting the Days Recovery through the Romance Side of the Brain" (2009)), certified in Motivational Interviewing person-centered approach to mediation-therapy, and has a background as publicist!

Prior to assuming leadership of PathFinder, Tyler supported the Studio Beacons division. 

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Janet is a dedicated professional with a profound commitment to empowering adults with developmental disabilities. With a strong foundation cultivated over 16 years in customer-facing roles within the food and service industry, as well as memory care retirement homes, Janet possesses a unique ability to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Her genuine passion for making a difference led her to four impactful years at another local service provider, where she played a pivotal role as a Resource Counselor, nurturing essential life skills and fostering independence among her participants. 

Janet's expertise is complemented by her ACRE certification in Community Employment Services, a testament to her dedication to tailored job placements. At Beacons, she will embrace her role as an associate instructor, skillfully guiding individuals to overcome challenges and supporting them on their path to purposeful and rewarding careers. Janet's empathy-driven communication and unwavering commitment to inclusivity exemplify her mission to create a positive, lasting influence on lives, making her an indispensable asset to the team.


Asst. Director & Lead Instructor

(Bilingual Spanish)


Malerie has her Masters and is also a certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) with a professional certificate in grant writing, including a Google Foundations of Project Management Certificate.

She has worked as a career guidance technician at Surfside Educational Academy (Oceanside School District), a mentor and site coordinator with PASS Americorps, and as a resource parent with San Diego Youth Services.


Malerie has experience in a wide variety of support services including, but not limited to: academic assistance, career coaching, case management, employment development, and resource coordination. 


Lead Instructor

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Associate Instructor

Tracy plays a vital role in supporting the personal and professional growth of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Her involvement at Beacons is fueled by a belief in the transformative power of job training and social opportunities to enhance lives, a commitment mirrored in her own experiences as a parent.

Transitioning from early childhood education to vocational training, Tracy has found her stride in engaging with a demographic that thrives under her guidance. She is known for her empathetic approach, listening keenly to the trainees and offering advice that resonates with their unique paths.

In her role, Tracy faces and overcomes challenges with a positive spirit, drawing inspiration from the resilience and achievements of those she mentors. Her personal joy comes from witnessing the direct impact of her work, whether it's through a trainee's smile or a problem solved. Beyond her professional life, Tracy’s heart lies in the simple pleasures of nature and self-sufficiency, with hobbies that range from gardening to biking, and aspirations that reflect her down-to-earth ethos.

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Associate Instructor

Elise Scheiffele is a recent National University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in English. She is on track to pursue a postgraduate degree in English and is hopeful to adopt the art of instructing at Beacons. She is driven by her passion for fostering creative learning environments. 


Having honed her skills in various industries such as Preschool education, hospitality, beauty, entertainment, and publishing, Elise is eager to bring her unique experiences in the customer service world to her role at Beacons. With her “jack of all trades” experience, Elise is inspired to bring a plethora of new skills and creative ideas for trainees to adopt. 


Her goal is to adopt a hands-on, friendly and fun environment that prioritizes self-confidence and collaboration on projects that will enable new skills to be developed. She is optimistic to forge new connections in her role at Beacons. 

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